Business Matters
Business Meeting: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 6:30 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Church
Constitution & Bylaws and Business Meeting Minutes
Constitution & Bylaws:
Constitution and Bylaws of the
Hot Foot Stompers Square Dance Club, Inc.
Effective June 22, 2020
To promote and educate about Modern Square and Round Dancing in all its heritage forms.
The name of this organization shall be:
Hot Foot Stompers Square Dance Club, Inc.
(AKA: Hotfoot Stompers)
The Club is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, within the meaning of Sections 170(c)(2) and 50l(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). Within the limitations established by the preceding sentence, the Club is organized and shall be operated primarily:
1) To educate the public about heritage dancing, including but not limited to square, round, and line dancing.
2) To promote a spirit of friendship and understanding.
3) To conduct an annual business meeting providing for the election of officers.
4) To conduct or sponsor educational panels, workshops, seminars, and classes to teach Modem Square and Round dancing.
ARTICLE III Restrictions
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the restrictions set forth in this Article III shall govern the activities of this corporation.
1) Individuals become members of the Club upon payment of the prescribed annual dues and by subscribing to the rules and regulations of the Club.
2) No one shall be denied membership or office based on race, color, creed, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or political affiliation.
3) Individual membership year shall be January 1 to December 31.
4) Individuals who are Club members shall be entitled to vote at all Club General Membership meetings.
The governance of this organization shall be vested in an Executive Board, duly elected, and/or appointed as prescribed in the Bylaws.
The officers and members of the Club shall not be personally liable to any extent whatsoever for any debts or obligations of the Club, nor shall any property of any officer, director or member be subject to the payment of the debts or obligations of the Club.
The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.
This corporation may be dissolved in accordance with the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Upon dissolution of this corporation, and after the payment of all liabilities and obligations of this corporation and all costs and expenses incurred by this corporation in connection with such dissolution, and subject always to the further provisions of this Article VIII, any remaining property shall be distributed to one or more organizations that are exempt from federal income taxation under Section SO1(a) of the Code by virtue of being described in Section 5O1(c)(3) of the Code, or to the United States government, or to the State of Minnesota, or any political subdivision or agency of the State for exclusively public purposes, all in such proportions as shall be determined (i) by the Board of Directors of this corporation if the dissolution of this corporation is not required by the laws of the State of Minnesota then in existence to be conducted under court supervision, or (ii) by a court of competent jurisdiction if the dissolution of this corporation is required by the Laws of the State of Minnesota then in existence to be conducted under court supervision Notwithstanding anything apparently or expressly to the contrary contained in this Article VIII, if any assets are then held by this corporation in trust or upon condition or subject to any executory or special limitation, and if the condition or limitation occurs by reason of the dissolution of this corporation, such assets shall revert or be returned, transferred, or conveyed in accordance with the terms and provisions of such trust, conditions, or limitations, provided that such assets shall not be distributed to the corporation's members, directors or officers.
This Constitution may be amended upon a resolution of the Executive Board proposing an amendment and approved by two-thirds (2/3) of all member votes cast.
1) Individuals become members of the Club by paying membership dues and abiding by the rules and regulations of the club.
1) The annual meeting of the general membership shall be held at the time and place set by the board.
2) A quorum at General Membership Meetings shall consist of thirty (30) members, or 10% of the membership, whichever is less.
3) Individual members shall have one (l) vote.
4) A special meeting of the general membership may be called by the Executive Board.
5) The members may call a special meeting of the membership by presenting a petition to the President, signed by at least 30 members or 10% of the membership, whichever is less.
6) Notice of a special meeting must be distributed to the membership. Such notice shall include the reasons a special meeting is being called.
7) Robert’s Revised Rules of Order shall apply at all Board meetings, and general membership meetings.
1) The Executive Board shall be President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer and two most recent past Presidents who are current club members.
a) Each office will be filled by an individual or couple.
b) Each office shall have one (1) vote.
c) Actions passed by the executive board require a majority of the board.
d) The office of the President votes only in case of a tie, be it at Executive Board or General Membership Meetings.
2) The Vice President shall advance to the office of President the term following his/her Vice Presidency or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of President.
3) The Vice Treasurer shall advance to the office of Treasurer the term following his/her Vice Treasurer or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer.
4) The Vice President and Secretary shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by ballot. On the first ballot, a plurality of votes cast for a position shall be necessary for election. In case of a tie, there shall be a second vote between the tied candidates.
5) The Vice Treasurer shall be elected at a special meeting in December. On the first ballot, a plurality of votes cast for a position shall be necessary for election. In case of a tie, there shall be a second vote between the tied candidates.
6 The term of office for the President, Vice President and Secretary shall be one year, from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting, or until replaced by a duly elected or appointed officer. The Vice President moves to the office of President with the "passing of the gavel." All other officers except the Treasurer and Vice Treasure transfer duties immediately following the close of the meeting.
7) The term of office for the Treasurer and Vice Treasurer shall be one year, from January 1st through December 31st, or until replaced by a duly elected or appointed officer. The Vice Treasurer moves to the office of Treasure on January 1st.
8) All members of the Executive Board will support the Club in all their actions and will not support or participate in actions contrary to those of the Club.
9) All officers of the Club shall serve without compensation.
1) The powers and duties of the Club officers shall be those customarily granted or imposed in statute by the state of Minnesota, or as stated in these by-laws or appended documents.
2) The Executive Board shall be responsible for the general welfare of the Club, initiating such actions and policies as, from time to time, may be needed to comply with the purposes of the Club.
3) The President may appoint any auxiliary officers, parliamentarian, or committees as may be deemed necessary to advance the interests of the Club. (These people shall serve in an ex officio capacity on the Executive Board and have no voting privileges on the board).
4) Checks issued on the treasury of the Club shall carry the signature of the Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, or the President of the Club.
5) Minimum duties of the Executive Board are as follows:
d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall take in club receipts, pay normal operating expenses, maintain all club financial records and complete quarterly and annual reports in a form consistent with generally accepted accounting principles showing the receipts, expenditures assets and liabilities of the club and submit financial records for auditing.
e) Vice Treasurer: The Vice Treasurer shall assist the treasurer and thereby learn the duties of the treasurer. The Vice Treasurer shall assume the duties of treasurer upon the treasurer leaving the office for any reason. If the Vice Treasurer permanently replaces the Treasurer, a new Vice Treasurer shall be selected.
f) Past President: The Past President shall provide consultation, guidance, and operational assistance to the club.
6) More specific descriptions of the duties of officers may be written by the Executive Board in a separate document (known as "Duties of various Offices") within the discretion of the board.
These Bylaws may be amended upon a resolution of the Executive Board proposing an amendment and approved by a 2/3 majority of all member votes cast.
Hot Foot Stompers, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws
Final, June 22, 2020
General Business Meeting
Tuesday, January 14 6:30 p.m.
Catholic Church of St. Paul
1740 Bunker Lake Blvd NE
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Music Room
(Enter as we did for our summer dance, go left, then a right down the hallway. At the Chapel, take a left and go to the end of the hall, past the stairs.)
Hotfoot members and students are welcome to attend
Hot Foot Stompers Square Dance Club, Inc.
Effective June 22, 2020
To promote and educate about Modern Square and Round Dancing in all its heritage forms.
The name of this organization shall be:
Hot Foot Stompers Square Dance Club, Inc.
(AKA: Hotfoot Stompers)
The Club is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, within the meaning of Sections 170(c)(2) and 50l(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). Within the limitations established by the preceding sentence, the Club is organized and shall be operated primarily:
1) To educate the public about heritage dancing, including but not limited to square, round, and line dancing.
2) To promote a spirit of friendship and understanding.
3) To conduct an annual business meeting providing for the election of officers.
4) To conduct or sponsor educational panels, workshops, seminars, and classes to teach Modem Square and Round dancing.
ARTICLE III Restrictions
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the restrictions set forth in this Article III shall govern the activities of this corporation.
- This corporation shall not engage in any activity which may not be carried on (i) by an organization which is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(a) of the Code by virtue of being described in Section 50l(c)(3) of the Code, or (ii) by an organization the contributions to which are deductible under Sections 170(c)(2), 2055(a) and 2522(a) of the Code.
- This corporation shall not, incidentally or otherwise, afford or pay any pecuniary gain, dividends, or other pecuniary remuneration to its members, and no part of the net income or net earnings of this corporation shall, directly or indirectly, inure to the benefit of or be distributed to any member, director, officer or other private individual. This corporation shall not lend any of its assets to any officer, director, or member of this corporation, or guarantee to any person the payment of a loan by any officer, director, or member of this corporation. Nonetheless, this corporation may pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and for supplies furnished to this corporation in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II above.
1) Individuals become members of the Club upon payment of the prescribed annual dues and by subscribing to the rules and regulations of the Club.
2) No one shall be denied membership or office based on race, color, creed, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or political affiliation.
3) Individual membership year shall be January 1 to December 31.
4) Individuals who are Club members shall be entitled to vote at all Club General Membership meetings.
The governance of this organization shall be vested in an Executive Board, duly elected, and/or appointed as prescribed in the Bylaws.
The officers and members of the Club shall not be personally liable to any extent whatsoever for any debts or obligations of the Club, nor shall any property of any officer, director or member be subject to the payment of the debts or obligations of the Club.
The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.
This corporation may be dissolved in accordance with the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Upon dissolution of this corporation, and after the payment of all liabilities and obligations of this corporation and all costs and expenses incurred by this corporation in connection with such dissolution, and subject always to the further provisions of this Article VIII, any remaining property shall be distributed to one or more organizations that are exempt from federal income taxation under Section SO1(a) of the Code by virtue of being described in Section 5O1(c)(3) of the Code, or to the United States government, or to the State of Minnesota, or any political subdivision or agency of the State for exclusively public purposes, all in such proportions as shall be determined (i) by the Board of Directors of this corporation if the dissolution of this corporation is not required by the laws of the State of Minnesota then in existence to be conducted under court supervision, or (ii) by a court of competent jurisdiction if the dissolution of this corporation is required by the Laws of the State of Minnesota then in existence to be conducted under court supervision Notwithstanding anything apparently or expressly to the contrary contained in this Article VIII, if any assets are then held by this corporation in trust or upon condition or subject to any executory or special limitation, and if the condition or limitation occurs by reason of the dissolution of this corporation, such assets shall revert or be returned, transferred, or conveyed in accordance with the terms and provisions of such trust, conditions, or limitations, provided that such assets shall not be distributed to the corporation's members, directors or officers.
This Constitution may be amended upon a resolution of the Executive Board proposing an amendment and approved by two-thirds (2/3) of all member votes cast.
1) Individuals become members of the Club by paying membership dues and abiding by the rules and regulations of the club.
- Dues shall be set by the Executive Board but may be modified by a vote of the membership.
- 100% of the club members must be members of the Federation. A Club roster along with any Federation membership monies collected must be submitted to the Federation.
1) The annual meeting of the general membership shall be held at the time and place set by the board.
2) A quorum at General Membership Meetings shall consist of thirty (30) members, or 10% of the membership, whichever is less.
3) Individual members shall have one (l) vote.
4) A special meeting of the general membership may be called by the Executive Board.
5) The members may call a special meeting of the membership by presenting a petition to the President, signed by at least 30 members or 10% of the membership, whichever is less.
6) Notice of a special meeting must be distributed to the membership. Such notice shall include the reasons a special meeting is being called.
7) Robert’s Revised Rules of Order shall apply at all Board meetings, and general membership meetings.
1) The Executive Board shall be President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer and two most recent past Presidents who are current club members.
a) Each office will be filled by an individual or couple.
b) Each office shall have one (1) vote.
c) Actions passed by the executive board require a majority of the board.
d) The office of the President votes only in case of a tie, be it at Executive Board or General Membership Meetings.
2) The Vice President shall advance to the office of President the term following his/her Vice Presidency or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of President.
3) The Vice Treasurer shall advance to the office of Treasurer the term following his/her Vice Treasurer or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer.
4) The Vice President and Secretary shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by ballot. On the first ballot, a plurality of votes cast for a position shall be necessary for election. In case of a tie, there shall be a second vote between the tied candidates.
5) The Vice Treasurer shall be elected at a special meeting in December. On the first ballot, a plurality of votes cast for a position shall be necessary for election. In case of a tie, there shall be a second vote between the tied candidates.
6 The term of office for the President, Vice President and Secretary shall be one year, from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting, or until replaced by a duly elected or appointed officer. The Vice President moves to the office of President with the "passing of the gavel." All other officers except the Treasurer and Vice Treasure transfer duties immediately following the close of the meeting.
7) The term of office for the Treasurer and Vice Treasurer shall be one year, from January 1st through December 31st, or until replaced by a duly elected or appointed officer. The Vice Treasurer moves to the office of Treasure on January 1st.
8) All members of the Executive Board will support the Club in all their actions and will not support or participate in actions contrary to those of the Club.
9) All officers of the Club shall serve without compensation.
1) The powers and duties of the Club officers shall be those customarily granted or imposed in statute by the state of Minnesota, or as stated in these by-laws or appended documents.
2) The Executive Board shall be responsible for the general welfare of the Club, initiating such actions and policies as, from time to time, may be needed to comply with the purposes of the Club.
3) The President may appoint any auxiliary officers, parliamentarian, or committees as may be deemed necessary to advance the interests of the Club. (These people shall serve in an ex officio capacity on the Executive Board and have no voting privileges on the board).
4) Checks issued on the treasury of the Club shall carry the signature of the Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, or the President of the Club.
5) Minimum duties of the Executive Board are as follows:
- President: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation who is responsible for the daily operation of the club.
- Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and shall perform as President if the President is unavailable, unable, absent or the office is vacant for any reason. In the event of the President's resignation or inability to serve, the Vice President shall automatically become the President for the remainder of the unexpired term or in the latter instance, until the President is able to resume performance of duties. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the President’s term. If the Vice President permanently replaces the President, a new Vice President shall be selected.
d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall take in club receipts, pay normal operating expenses, maintain all club financial records and complete quarterly and annual reports in a form consistent with generally accepted accounting principles showing the receipts, expenditures assets and liabilities of the club and submit financial records for auditing.
e) Vice Treasurer: The Vice Treasurer shall assist the treasurer and thereby learn the duties of the treasurer. The Vice Treasurer shall assume the duties of treasurer upon the treasurer leaving the office for any reason. If the Vice Treasurer permanently replaces the Treasurer, a new Vice Treasurer shall be selected.
f) Past President: The Past President shall provide consultation, guidance, and operational assistance to the club.
6) More specific descriptions of the duties of officers may be written by the Executive Board in a separate document (known as "Duties of various Offices") within the discretion of the board.
These Bylaws may be amended upon a resolution of the Executive Board proposing an amendment and approved by a 2/3 majority of all member votes cast.
Hot Foot Stompers, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws
Final, June 22, 2020
General Business Meeting
Tuesday, January 14 6:30 p.m.
Catholic Church of St. Paul
1740 Bunker Lake Blvd NE
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Music Room
(Enter as we did for our summer dance, go left, then a right down the hallway. At the Chapel, take a left and go to the end of the hall, past the stairs.)
Hotfoot members and students are welcome to attend